Feeding Watermelon to Your Horse
Watermelon is generally safe for horses, but don't give them too much! You might also want to cut up the rind, but make sure to wash the melons first.
Essential Items for an Equine First Aid-Kit
Learn what tools and items you should have in your horse first-aid kit and their purpose so you can be prepared for any emergencies.
What to Know About Breeding a Mare and Raising a Foal
While breeding your mare and raising a foal may sound like a great idea, there are some things to consider first.
12 Ways Your Horse Tells You It Needs Its Teeth Checked
Does your horse need its teeth checked? Here are signs that you might need a professional to check your horse's teeth.
How To Tell if Your Mare is Pregnant
Is your mare is pregnant? Here is the best way to determine if your mare is going to have a foal, and why it's essential to find out early.
How to Tell If It Is Still OK to Ride Your Senior Horse
Senior horses may need a change of workload to accommodate aging joints and bones. Here are guidelines for riding and working your older horse.
Symptoms and Stages of Pregnancy in Horses
There are basics of equine reproduction and horse pregnancy to keep in mind, which includes mating, the horse gestation period and foaling.