Health Benefits of Aquariums

Do fish aquariums help reduce stress and provide other therapeutic health benefits to humans? Many health professionals believe they do

How to Collect Your Own Tropical Aquarium Fish

Collecting Your Own Tropical Fish is a 7 part series that details how to collect your own tropical fish, including collection buckets, hand nets, and more.

Marine Foods for Saltwater Fish and Invertebrates

Learn about the best food choices to feed saltwater fish and invertebrates, the ones that aquarium hobbyists prefer to meet their pets' dietary needs.

Facts and Tips About Sea Robins

Learn about the flying gurnard, also known as the sea robin, plus what you need to know if you're going to keep this fish in a tank.

Saltwater Aquarium Fish Compatibility

Overview of ideal marine community setup, what fish play well with others, which to avoid and how to note aggressive behavior.

Overview of Saltwater Copepods and Amphipods

Saltwater copepods and amphipods can be a problem. They're little white bugs in your tank, which are types of tiny, shrimp-like crustaceans.

What Do Corals Eat? – A Complete Coral Food Recipe

Corals in Saltwater Aquariums require more food than they derive from light alone in order to grow and propagate.

Marine Aquarium Fish Compatibility Chart

This Saltwater Aquarium Fish Compatibility Chart will give you a good idea of which fish can be placed in a saltwater aquarium and be expected to get along,

Angelfishes: Characteristics of Family Pomacanthidae

Angelfishes, or the Pomacanthidae Family, are characteristically aggressive and territorial. Be mindful of their compatibility with other fish.

Live Foods for Your Marine Animals

Live Saltwater Feeder Fish For Your Marine Animals. Let them get back to nature with a live food source.

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